Chemical Analysis
Revealing the Elements: Dive Into the Depths of Metal Composition with Our Expert Chemical Analysis.
Understanding the chemical properties of materials is a critical engineering tool that can expedite your design and manufacturing process as well as solve costly quality control and verification issues.
At Subodh, our expert chemists utilize several analytical tools and methods to provide a wide range of chemical analyses for a variety of applications.
Subodh Chemical laboratory employs sophisticated analytical instruments to analyze aluminum alloys, low alloy steels, stainless steels, cast iron, carbon steels, copper alloys, nickel alloys, tool steels and nitrogen.
Testing instruments include sophisticated Oxygen-Nitrogen-Hydrogen determinator by LECO USA, OES from Spectro Germany, AA from Varian, XRF from Spectro and Niton, GDS technology based spectrometers from LECO USA, Carbon and Sulfur determination from LECO USA, UV-VIS spectrometer by Agilent, Radionuclides Determinator in environmental samples.

LECO Analysis ONH-Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen in Metals-Gas Analysis

Agilent UV VIS testing in progress

LECO Carbon Sulfur CS744 in operation at lab
SPECTRO Optical Emission Spectrometer
NITON Handheld XRF
ASTM E 415-2017, IS 8811:2006, IS 228-Pt-23:2008, ASTM E 1086:2014, IS 9879: 1998 , IS 228 Pt-23: 2008, ASTM E1251:2017a, BS EN15079:2015, ASTM E 3047:2016, ST-VAL-09: 2005, ASTM E2994:2016, ST-VAL-11:2015 Issue No.:01 Issue Date:05.08.2015, ASTM E 1476 :2004(RA2014) XRF, ASTM E350, ASTM E353