experience precise Drop Weight Testing
Perfectly calibrated and scientifically accurate equipment for your material testing needs.

Fig.1Drop-weight test specimens: Side view. Lower photo shows close-up of weld-bead and notch

Drop-Weight Test

Fracture Toughness as per ASTM E208-17

Subodh Material Technologists specializes in the drop-weight test (often referred to as 'Pellini' test) which was developed at the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, as a simple method to determine the nil-ductility transition temperature (NDTT). 

Drop-Weight Test:

The ASTM E208 Drop-Weight Test is used primarily to determine the Nil-ductility transition temperature or NDT of ferritic steels of 5/8 inch thickness and over. This particular drop weight test was initially developed by the Navel Research Laboratory in 1952 and published as Department of the Navy document NAVSHIPS-250-634-3. 

The drop-weight test specimen is illustrated in Fig.1. It consists of a rectangular coupon with a brittle weld bead deposited on one face. Tests are carried out at a variety of temperatures, the NDTT being defined as the maximum temperature at which the brittle crack spreads completely across one or both of the tension surfaces on either side of the brittle weld bead.

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Image of a Full Break specimen following a drop weight test for P2 Type at Subodh Material Technologists, Navi Mumbai, India, conducted at sub-zero temperatures.